Sunday, May 23, 2010

Oscar on a Spring Afternoon; Rabbits Run Wild Near the Honeysuckle; and Lilly of the Valley

I've added a bit of a photo expose today to celebrate the sense of serenity that only nature and pets can provide. Oscar loves lounging in the mulch. Every day I find him in the same spot in the garden enjoying the sweet spring breeze.

I've have been noticing that every year, the rabbit population seems to be exploding. I tried to get a better shot of this guy. I was afraid that if I got closer, he would surely bolt, so I attempted to get the shot from standing on the deck. I admit it could be a much better photo, had I a better lens, but alas, this is the best I could do....the hedgerow is blooming with Honeysuckle this time of year and the sent is heavenly.

Lilly of the Valley is one of my favorite sents. I noticed that there is a huge amount suddenly blooming in the side garden. This particular flower always brings back memories of grandmother, Molly, as she told me that this was her favorite.

My tiny bouquet of Lilly of the Valley to bring into the house. 


dabbsie said...

I adore Lily of the Valley and its scent. DVF put our a wonderful perfume years ago, 'Tatiana', that was L.O.V. based.
I must meet this Oscar some day.

Amy said...

Love the artsy pic of the vase with flowers in it in the mulch...very cool.