Mia Tyler, half-sister to actress Liv Tyler, and daughter of legendary Aerosmith rocker, Steven, has found success as a plus size model. Like many women, Mia has struggled with her weight and was a contestant on "Celebrity Fit Club", where she tipped the scales at 210 lbs. She has since taken off some of that weight, adapted a healthier diet and exercise regime, and is now down to a healthy size 12/14.
Mia Tyler: Plus size model, daughter of Rock Legend Steven Tyler.
photo: perfectpeople.net
Crystal Renn: High Fashion is changing its attitudes about size.
Chanel uses Renn in their Cruise Runway Show in St. Tropez.
Chrystal Renn rocks the fashion industry in Chanel. Another win for the plus sized fashion group.
Chrystal Renn at the Chanel Cruise Runway Show. Crystal is a size 12.
Tyra Banks has endured media criticism for gaining weight. She has since re-invented herself as "plus sized". Eating disorders are rampant across america and many critics point to Hollywood and the Media for glamorizing skinny as beautiful and sexy. Most young women who try to break into the modeling and acting field are told by agents that they need to drop any excess weight to have a shot at a career. Crystal Renn accounts for the disease first hand in her book "Hungry", where she used every trick in the book to get her body size down to 0. She eventually choose her health over her career and let her body set at its natural size. [Refer to the link of my post on Crystal: Crystal Renn: "Hungry"]
To put things in perspective, below are photos of women need to EAT...before they just break, or crack or fade away...
Rachel Zoe: The Queen of 'Too Damn Skinny.'
Rachel reports that "eating sometimes doesn't make it on my to-do list" and that she survives on "coffee and grapefruit."
photo: Auntiefashion.wordpress.com
Rachel Zoe has been criticized for perpetuating a culture of "dangerously skinny is stylish and chic" among her famous clients.
Longtime client, Nicole Richie, who was becoming painfully thin in past years, recently dropped Zoe as her stylist; on speculation that Rachel's advice on her being too thin was destroying her health. Nicole has since put weight back on and has maintained a healthy weight since the birth of her children.
Nicole Richie in her Dangerous Skeltor Days
photo: hollywoodgrind.com
Healthy and fit Nicole now.
photo: tinymels.wordpress.com
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