Last night was the second airing of Bravo TV's new reality series, 9 by Design, a show dedicated to the lives of Robert and Cortney Novogratz, their seven children, and their eighth "baby"; their business, Sixx Design. (Bravo TV show is called 9 by Design.)
This couple is NOT by any means, the Duggars. Cortney is a wonder-woman able to pull off raising the lot of children while running and managing a super successful real estate design business. She amazes me. She is 'New York busy', but in a very friendly relatable way. She softens the hustle bustle with her subtle southern accent and charm. She is the antidote to the harshness that is what is perceived with working with a Downtown New York business. Part of the reason that they are so successful with their family life and business life, is that they are one and the same. I believe this to be the key to their success.
Sixx design has been renovating and redecorating homes and businesses for over 10 years. Cortney and Robert have a book available on (list price $29.70); where you can find a lot of innovative decorating and design ideas.
Last night's show was fun to watch as Robert deals with a client who has an extremely tight budget and has to call in Cortney to warm him up to the idea of putting up more money in order to demolish an eyesore of a bar that ruins the whole vision of their redesign.
Last night's episode also offers a glimpse of the family's personal life as the Novagratz's plan for the Christening of their seventh baby, Major. Major is quite possibly one of the CUTEST babies I have ever seen, with the exception of my two gorgeous boys, but I digress. Viewers get to see the spiritual side of the Novogratz family and how they relate to friends and family members in their life.
I think that this show has potential to have a huge following of people who are drawn to the personalities of the family, relating to the dynamic of Robert and Cortney, their children, and how to run a family business. A lot of their design ideas are easily implemented in any setting with a little creativity and muscle. The Novogratzes show us that anything is possible no matter what your family circumstances are or are not, that you can have your own vision and follow it, and most importantly that our dreams are life on own terms, NOT someone else's. Make good on your dreams!!!!
9 by Design can be seen on cable's Bravo Network @ 10pm on Tuesday nights.
Full episodes and fun clips can be found @
Visit the couple's website
You can follow Robert and Cortney on Twitter @
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