Friday, March 20, 2009

Emerging new obsession..Amy Butler Fabrics! (and patterns and bags and designs...)

As I look around my house, the places I find most joyful these days is my emerging collection of Amy Butler pillows. I discovered this textile designer on Etsy, but as I learn more about her philosophy, style and design, I find there are very few things she does that it don't like.

Her patterns are fresh, yet slightly retro, bright and energetic. Some of her things almost have a south Florida Lily Pulitzer vibe, but not as stiff or overly "preppy". I love this designer! I am so inspired by her stuff, that I am somewhat tempted to start sewing again! (not really:) I will be searching Etsy for those talented enough to churn out beautiful pillows, tops and dresses made directly from her patterns. I will be posting more and more pictures on this blog with items made by her can bet on it!
(photo from Amy Butler website)

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